(213) 480-4200

Counseling Services

SEA (staff) provides home and hospital-based counseling services under the Department of Public and Social Services (DPSS) to eligible low-income individuals and families.

Program Requirements and/or Eligibility Criteria: Eligible low-income individuals and families who reside within the Los Angeles County Supervisorial District 2.

Teresa Pinedo
(213) 308-1994

In-Home Prevention Services

SEA’s In-Home Prevention Services program provides intensive, family-centered, home-based family support services to probation youth, ages 10-18 and their families. Services are intended to avert an ongoing escalation of criminal and delinquent behavior (e.g., including domestic violence, high family conflict/dysfunction and vandalism type offenses) at the time of detention and to promote school success. The goal is the successful delivery of the home-based family support services in order to strengthen the family unit, foster parenting practices, promote responsible youth behavior, and decrease delinquent activities and recidivism. The services shall be delivered in the clients’s home and shall develop effective parenting, promote responsible youth behavior, and decrease delinquent activities

Program Requirements and/or Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Client must be actively on probation and reside within the Los Angeles County Supervisorial District 3
  • Referrals are submitted by the Probation Department

Teresa Pinedo
(213) 308-1994

Home-Based Services

SEA provides intensive family-centered, home-based services to a targeted population of high-risk and high-needs youth ages 14-18 and their families. Strategies for intervention include: in-home family support services utilizing Social Learning Model through a mentoring approach.

Program Requirements and/or Eligibility Criteria:

  • Youth ages 14-18 and their families who reside within the Los Angeles County Supervisorial District 2
  • Must be referred by Probation/DPO

Service Provided:

  • Individual youth mentoring/case management services
  • Individual parent case management services

Teresa Pinedo
(213) 308-1994

Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Prevention and Education Services

SEA provides services for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Prevention and Education. Services include prevention workshops and community education workshops. These are intended to educate the community on sex trafficking in order to prevent future and further exploitation.

Program Requirements and/or Eligibility Criteria: The workshops are open to all community members residing within the Los Angeles County Supervisorial Districts 1, 2, and 3.

Services Provided: Workshops are conducted two times per month; specifically, one focused on the Family, Educator, Agency/Community-Partner Educational Partner and one focused on Youth Prevention.

Teresa Pinedo
(213) 308-1994